Upcoming and recent
Events, activities and key diary dates
The Ivers OlymPicnic - fun for everyone
This Summer's 'must attend' event for residents of the Ivers
The Ivers Olympicnic promises to be a great event for everyone in the Parish. Organised by Iver Village Residents Association with support from IHRA and RPRA, lots of attractions have been planned for the day.
The event is being held on Saturday 13th July at The Iver Recreation Ground and starts at 11am. Activities will finish around 4pm.
There is no charge to get into the event and there is much to watch free of charge. There is a small charge for some activities like the pony rides. Bring your own picnic or there will be various places to buy refreshments on site too.
Parking is limited at and near Iver Village Recreation Ground but there is a regular courtesy bus to and from Iver Heath and Richings Park to the site. Check the bus schedule for more information.
The Ivers OlymPicnic - timetable of activities
This Summer's 'must atttend' event for residents of the Ivers
Check out what you can do and see at the Ivers OlymPicnic timetable. The day will be packed with activities you can participate in or watch:
- Kids' Show with popular local celeb Mark Jones
- Dog Training and behaviour demonstration from Iver Heath Fields Dog Club
- Bouncy Castle and Pony Rides
- 'Old School' sports activities for adults and children, with medals and certificates to be won
- Raffle with loads of lovely prizes
- A live band and various dancing displays
- Stalls and refreshment sales
- Golden Oldies Lounge for the 'not as young as we used to be' can chill and grab a cuppa.
Hear Directly from your MP Candidates
Pre-General Election Event for Electors in the Ivers
This is your chance to engage directly with the MP candidates for our constituency (Beaconsfield) in a Question Time format event.
Confirmed candidates from the Conservative, Liberal Democrats and Green Party will be there to answer your questions. We are also working on inviting other candidates to ensure a comprehensive discussion.
SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESPlease send your questions in advance to ivers.hustings.2024@gmail.com The best and most appropriate questions will be selected for the main event, but there will also be some time for additional questions on the night.
Don't miss this opportunity to have your voice heard and get to know your candidates better before the General Election. Space is limited and the event is open to all electors in the Ivers, so we urge you to arrive early to ensure a seat. We hope to see you there!Join the 2024 Great British Spring Clean
Help make Team Iver Heath this year's champions
For the second year running, the three residents' association for the Parish - Iver Heath, Iver Village and Richings Park - have got together in support of the national Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean campaign.
To make it more interesting, we are running a competition between the three villages as to which can get the most volunteers and which can collect the most litter. Team Iver Heath were the chamions in 2023 and we want to retain the title in 2024. Will you join us and help? Here's how to get involved:
1. Come along to the Big Community Litter Pick event on Saturday 16th March. All the details are on the poster.
2. Run your own litter pick with a designated group or just a bunch of friends and neighbours. There is an information pack to help you.
We look forward to your support. If you haven't been on one of our litter picks before, you will be surprised at how much fun it can be and how rewarding it can feel.
Iver Heath's Countdown to Christmas
A Special Christmas Event in our village
This year, Iver Heath has its own Christmas Lights Switch-on Event on Saturday 25th November between 2pm and 5pm. Everything will be taking place in the area around Iver Heath Village Hall. There will be a fete in the village hall itself with lots of stalls selling everything from crafts and books to festive treats for dogs.
There will be snacks and drinks and plenty of activities for children. The Scout Hut will also be hosting activities before and after the tree in the village hall square being lit up for the festive season.
Iver Heath Village Hall is situated within walking distance for a large part of our community so do leave the car at home if you are able.
We look forward to seeing lots of you there.
Join our monthly litter picks
and help clean up our village
Our regular litter picks are usually held on the first Saturday of each month. Whether you are an IHRA member or not, everyone is welcome to come along and help.
We meet in the car park at the chosen location and go off in pairs armed with litter picking equipment which we will provide you with.
If you haven't been before, then why not come along and give it a try? You'll be amazed at how rewarding it is to see the difference you can make as part of our Litter Picking Team. There is no need to book or let us know in advance - just turn up ready for a 10.30am start!
Appropriate footwear and clothing suitable for weather conditions is highly recommended. If the weather forecast is bad, we'll advise the day before of cancellation or re-scheduling.
Join us at the 2023 AGM
Saturday 14th October (10.15 until midday) Iver Heath Village Hall
A lot has been happening since our last AGM, both as far as the residents association's activities are concerned and in Iver Heath as a whole. If you are not already a member, come along and you can join IHRA prior to the AGM to attend this session. Membershp costs £5 per household for the year ending 31st March 2024.
Our agenda covers:
- Treasurer's Report
- Committee Report - recent activities and priorities for the future
- Development threats to the Ivers and our Green Belt
- Air quality monitoring results
- New IHRA Committee structure proposal
- Q&A Session
We will be joined by some of our Unitary and Parish Councillors who will be there to answer your questions and give you the latest news on some of the major developments in the Ivers. We look forward to seeing lots of you at the Iver Heath Village Hall at 10.15am on Saturday 14th October.
The Ivers Coronation Picnic
Iver Village Recreation Gound | Monday 8th May 2023
There are stacks of activities planned for this fabulous outdoor event. Bring your own picnic and take part. There will be a band playing; dog agility displays; pony rides; several stalls with some refreshments, interesting items to buy or information to pick up on local voluntary organisations and activities ... and loads more. There is also a raffle with some really great prizes!
Admission is free with a small charge for just a couple of the attractions.
The event starts at midday and will continue until 4pm. Be aware though that this event is likely to attract lots of people so parking may be an issue. If you plan to drive, why not car share or just grab a lift or Uber?
Finally, this is an outdoor event. Even though some cover will be provided, significant rain may mean that the event will unfortunately have to be cancelled. Fingers crossed for a dry day and a great Coronation event to remember!
Coronation Big Lunch
Iver Heath Village Hall | Sunday 7th May 2023
This family-oriented fun-day event takes place in the main hall, community room and car park, and is open to everyone free of charge. Stall-holders include local non-profits and businesses. There is lots to see and fab activities to participate in, whatever your age.
Bring a picnic; cakes available from Shinking Violet's Bake Sale and there will be an ice-cream van too.
The event runs from 11am until 2pm. As the car park will be closed, please walk if you can or 'grab a cab' or lift. The road must be kept clear for emergeny access.
Iver Heath Village Hall's relatively new co-chairs - locals Caroline and Matt Streuli - are keen to promote this great facility as a more valued and used central hub for the community. "We are keen to celebrate all the amazing things that take place in the centre of our humble village. Whether it's yoga and bounce, tabletop gaming or social clubs, the drama club or as a great events venue, the village hall has something fo everyone."
The Spring Clean Community Challenge
Join Team Iver Heath and let's win!
Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean is the country’s biggest annual mass-action environmental campaign.
This year, our three Residents’ Associations in the Parish - Iver, Iver Heath and Richings Park - have joined up to organise one big collaborative litter picking event on Saturday 1st April. The purpose of The Ivers Community Challenge is to take to streets and green spaces across the Ivers, with a target of collecting 100 bags of litter between us and have some fun at the same time. As a ‘thank you’ to everyone that participates, there will be prize-giving and sandwiches laid on at The Swan in Iver afterwards.
We hope our residents will join Team Iver Heath and would love to see you at the Iver Heath Village Hall car park at 12.30 on Saturday 1st April to get picking. The more folks that turn up, the more we can achieve ... and the better our chances of winning The Ivers Community Challenge!
IHRA Members' Film Screening
Join us at Pinewood Cinema on 15th February
We are delighted to invite IHRA members and their guests to a special afternoon screening of Peter Rabbit 2 at Pinewood Cinema on Wednesday 15th February. We’ve scheduled this film showing, kindly organised for us by Pinewood Studios, for the half term school break. Peter Rabbit 2 has been deemed suitable for children of seven years and older.
Tickets are free and refreshments are ‘on the house’ but you must apply - a maximum of four tickets per application. Email us on ihrasecretary1@gmail.com or leave a message with details on 07572 125960.
When you apply, please provide names of everyone in your group that will be attending, as this information will be required for Pinewood Studios’ security. We will also need an email address to send you confirmation of your application to bring with you. Closing date for ticket applications is Monday 13th February but places are limited so we’d encourage booking early.
See poster for more details.
Litter Picking
IHRA helps keep Iver Heath tidy
Our Litter Picking volunteers meet at 10:30 on the first Saturday of each month. Much good work has been done since we first started this initiative, with well over 300 bags of rubbish collected by volunteers from around our village since we started the initiative.
If you are concerned about the state of a particular area of Iver Heath and would like to get involved to help clean it up please contact us.
Volunteering at the Environment Centre
Why not give the the Garden Volunteer groups a try?
The Iver Environment Centre is a fabulous environmental education charity located between Uxbridge and Iver, with a 2.4-acre site of different gardens, ponds and allotments used to teach local schools in Hillingdon, Slough and South Bucks about nature, the environment and food growing.
Because of Covid restrictions, and despite best efforts by the centre's small but very dedicated team, the gardens of the centre - including allotments and various themed gardens like the Mediterranean, herb and exotic gardens - are looking a little worse for wear. The team is really keen to make sure that the centre is looking great, as well as safe and smart, for visiting school groups in the summer and families in the holidays.
If your are interested in giving a helping hand at their Wednesday groups - either regularly or just giving it a try - they'd be delighted to hear from you. Call 01895 270730 or email Iver.environment@groundwork.org.uk
A novel way to celebrate your special occasion
Why not use the IHRA Phone Box mini-gallery?
IHRA has been using our iconic phone box in Pinewood Green as a mini-gallery to collectively celebrate community themes and events such as Christmas, Diwali, Valentine's Day or even our links to the Carry On films many of which were shot locally. This will continue with our list of scheduled occasions.
However, we are now making the phone box gallery available to local residents for the same purpose. If you would like to create a mini display for a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or maybe even marriage proposal, then just get in touch with us. Email ihrasecretary1@gmail.com or leave a message on 07572 125960 and we'll get right back to you.
There is no charge for IHRA Members; a small fee applies to non-members.
Note: this phone box is managed by the IHRA Committee. All content displayed must be family-friendly. Sorry but no advertising, business promotions or political messages will be accepted.
Buckinghamshire Weekly Online Lottery
Support IHRA with a chance to win up to £25,000!
The Chiltern & South Bucks Lottery is an online lottery that has been set up to support local good causes. IHRA has been accepted as one of the organisations to benefit, with 50p from each ticket bought via our page on the Lottery site going towards helping fund initiatives such as the Iver Heath Clean Air Campaign.
It's really easy to buy tickets - simply go to the IHRA page. There are lots of prizes each week, plus you have a chance to win the jackpot of £25,000. Good luck!
Hardings Row Conservation Volunteers
Volunteering in the great outdoors
If you like being outdoors and doing some great work at the same time, this project could be right up your street.
Volunteers meet at Hardings Row Nature Reserve, which is just off Swallow Street in Iver Heath, for three hours of conservation work on one Sunday each month. You'll need your outdoor 'scruffs' and wellies but all equipment will be provided.
Want to know more? contact Dhush on 07718 043080 or email Dhush.Selvarajah@groundwork.org.uk
Check out the Autumn 2019 Colne Valley Regional Park Newsletter for information on various interesting projects, activities and initiatives.
Iver Heath Residents' Association © 2017
Images by Paul Upward Photography, reproduced with permission of Leigh Tugwood t/a A+ Studio