Information just for you.
This page covers information for our members. Residents in more than 200 households across Iver Heath are now part of this wonderful community: from highly active volunteers to those who simply want to be kept informed an strengthen 'Iver Heath's voice'.
Whatever your reasons for joining IHRA are, thank you to all of our members for supporting us. Please introduce your friends and neighbours to our website and encourage them to join the Association. The more members we have, the stronger our voice.
Latest updates
Key information for members
IHRA Members' Film Screening at Pinewood Studios
Wednesday 3rd January 2024 | Matinee
We are delighted to be able to invite IHRA members to a special free screening of the very popular award-winning film Aladdin with Will Smith at the John Barry Theatre at Pinewood Studios on Wednesday 3rd January.
2.15pm: doors open. Refreshments will be provided at the adjacent Nekta Café
3.00pm: film starts
5.10pm finish (film running time is just over 2 hours)
- This event is for IHRA members. An IHRA member needs to reserve the tickets.
- The maximum number each member household can apply for is four tickets.
- There is no charge for tickets so this is a free event. However, we would be very grateful for a small donation on the day. All contributions go towards funding our community activities.
- To reserve your tickets please email us on ihrasecretary1@gmail.com stating the number of tickets you would like and the names of all those who will be attending. We need the names in advance to provide to Pinewood Studios’ Security. If you aren’t able to use email, you can call us on 07572 125960
- Once we receive your ticket application, we will send you an email confirmation with your ticket numbers.
- We need to receive your ticket applications by Saturday 30th December.
Good attendance at the IHRA AGM
Lots of information shared and some great participation
It was a pleasure to see so many of you at our AGM this year. We were pleased to be able to tell members what the Association has been up to, to share many success stores and our plans for the future including the new IHRA committee structure going forward. We were sad to see IHRA committee member Betty Hemsley stand down due to other commitments; Alan Wilson also stood down as Chair after several years but will remain on the committee. Big thanks were extended to them both.
The Q&A session was focused around major commercial development proposals for the village, in particular the sale of more than 200 acres of Green Belt land by Buckinghamshire Council - more information on that can be found on the Local News section of this website. Our thanks to Cllrs Julie Cook, Wendy Matthews and Paul Griffin for providing information and guidance before, during and after the AGM.
Our thanks too to Oliver and Chloe Kraus from IVRA and Graham Young from RPRA for joining us.
The slide presentation from the session is available to view here.
Become an IHRA Local Area Steward ...
... and represent your area of Iver Heath
At our AGM in October 2023, we introduced Local Area Stewards(LAS) as a new role on our committee, designed to make sure IHRA is fully representative across the whole of Iver Heath. A number of the areas are still vacant and we encourage any member who wants to get more involved to get in touch if this sounds like something you would like to do. Areas are:
1. Pinewood Estate & Pinewood Road (LAS - Debs Forward)
2. Church Raod & Parkway
3. Bangors Rd North & adjacent roads
4. Wood Lane & adjacent roads
5. Slough Rd & North Swallow Street
6. South Swallow St & adjacent roads (LAS - Carol Gibson)
7. Bangors Rd South & adjacent roads
8. Sevenhills Rd & adjacent roads
Join us at the 2023 AGM
Saturday 14th October (10.15 until midday) Iver Heath Village Hall
A lot has been happening since our last AGM, both as far as the residents association's activities are concerned and in Iver Heath as a whole.
Our agenda covers:
- Treasurer's Report
- Committee Report - recent activities and priorities for the future
- Development threats to the Ivers and our Green Belt
- Air quality monitoring results
- New IHRA Committee structure proposals
- Q&A Session
We will be joined by some of our Unitary and Parish Councillors who will be there to answer your questions and give you the latest news on some of the major developments in the Ivers. We look forward to seeing lots of you at the Iver Heath Village Hall at 10.15am on Saturday 14th October.
Not renewed your IHRA membership?
IHRA membership fees held at £5 per household for the year
IHRA membership subs run from 1st April until 31st March. If you have already renewed then thank you; if you haven't then why not do it now? Membership provides you with regular bulletins, the opportunity to support community projects and, of course, to be part of our 'joint voice of Iver Heath' on so many important issues. Renewing is easy: simply complete the membership form it and send it with your remittance of £5 which will cover your household for a whole year.
If you are a current member, why not encourage your neighbours to join too? The more members we have, the stronger our voice and the more we can achieve.
A novel way to celebrate your special occasion
Why not use the IHRA Phone Box mini-gallery?
IHRA has been using our iconic phone box in Pinewood Green as a mini-gallery to collectively celebrate community themes and events such as Christmas, Diwali, Valentine's Day or even our links to the Carry On films many of which were shot locally. This will continue with our list of scheduled occasions.
However, we are now making the phone box gallery available to local residents for the same purpose. If you would like to create a mini display for a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or maybe even marriage proposal, then just get in touch with us. Email ihrasecretary1@gmail.com or leave a message on 07572 125960 and we'll get right back to you.
There is no charge for IHRA Members; a small fee applies to non-members.
Note: this phone box is managed by the IHRA Committee. All content displayed must be family-friendly. Sorry but no advertising, business promotions or political messages will be accepted.
Much more than just an AGM
An opportunity to get your questions answered about the future of Iver Heath
The COVID pandemic precluded us from holding an AGM since 2019 and so much has happened in those two years as far as plans for the Ivers are concerned. We regularly get asked:
- what's happening with the proposed Motorway Services Area in Iver Heath?
- what's the latest on Pinewood Studios' expansion plans?
- are the Five Points Roundabout changes going ahead?
- is Sevenhills Road going to be widened or not?
- is there any news on changes to the parking layout around the shops by the Co-op?
- what's next with the Neighbourhood Plan?
And that's just for starters. For this year's AGM we have brought together a wide range of representatives from Buckinghamshire Council, The Ivers Parish Council and other key organisations to provide the latest news on the 'big issues' and answer members' questions on specific issues that are important to them.
Please do come along on Saturday 9th October. As we are not 'out of the woods' yet as far as the COVID pandemic goes, we strongly recommend you bring a mask and observe social distancing guidelines for your safety and that of others.
A 'Drop-In' Event Not To Be Missed
Saturday 9th November (11.00am-2.00pm) Iver Heath Bowls Club
For this event , we have bought together latest information on some of the 'hot topics' in Iver Heath:
- South Bucks District Council will cease to exist on 31st March 2020. What impact is that going to have on us?
- What's happening on projects such as Pinewood Studios' development or the Heathrow expansion plans?
- How concerning are the air quality stats for Iver Heath and what's being done about it?
- Is it true that the plans for 'improving' the Five Points Roundabout have been shelved?
- Fly tipping issues, local crime detection and prevention, plus lots more.
Existing IHRA members and members who join on the day will be entered into our special raffle - another great reason to come along!
Pop in any time between 11.00am and 2.00pm. Refreshments will be served throughout.
AGM 2019
Good turnout at this year's AGM to hear all the latest news
It has been a busy twelve months for the IHRA so we had a lot to share with members this year on various important projects and topics including:
- Village clean-up initiatives
- Feedback from what residents told us at our Village Planning meetings
- The potential of setting up a crime-reduction scheme using CCTV and ANPR cameras in the village
- What nearly two years' worth of air quality monitoring results have told us
- Pinewood Studios works updates and developments
... and much more.
You can view the minutes and the slides from the AGM on the Useful Information section of this website.
Christmas 2018 members' screening
IHRA members enjoy event at Pinewood Studios
A ‘Film Night’ with drinks, snacks and a screening of The Jungle Book movie was hosted for IHRA members and their guests by Pinewood Studios. It was a very well attended event, and the evening was enjoyed by children and adults alike.
We’d like to extend a special thank you to Kathryn Maidment and the team from Pinewood Studios for making this such an enjoyable occasion for everyone.
Planters are 'blooming lovely' ...
... thanks to IHRA members
Two planters near the Co-op were 'adopted' from Iver Parish Council by IHRA in 2017, as they were looking a little tired to say the least. Since then they have been regularly re-planted and lovingly tended by IHRA members. Our special thanks go to Gill, Glynis, Jean and to Sue from Heatherden Green seen here keeping the Geraniums well watered through the Summer drought.
Iver Heath Residents' Association © 2017
Images by Paul Upward Photography, reproduced with permission of Leigh Tugwood t/a A+ Studio